Tigers 25

25 Year Reunion 

Hey class of 1998.  It has been 25 short years since we walked across the stage to receive our diplomas. 25 years filled with joys, children, family, growth, hardships and triumphs.  25 years that should be celebrated.  Your class committee is putting together a fun-filled 25-year reunion.  It is with great hope that ALL of our classmates will attend.  There will be a 3-day event in Muskegon and a cruise to the Bahamas.  Pricing and official dates will be listed in the event section of the website and on Facebook.  The official email is muskegonheights1998@gmail.com .  Please submit questions that you may have and also reach out with comments or concerns. Communications for all events will be posted on Facebook and on this website.  Any changes and updates will be posted in the mentioned places. 

Please share this site information with classmates who are not on social media as they may want to partake and this will keep them informed. 


3-Day Event Muskegon 

The 3-Day event will take place from Thursday to Saturday.  The dates are August 3rd, 4th, & 5th.   

Cruise Information 

3 day Carnival cruise aboard the Conquest from Sept 29-Oct 1st.Cruising to Bahamas from Miami. You are responsible for travel to Miami and a hotel overnight is recommended to make sure you are there on time. All cabins booked have balconies that range from 453.20-463.20 per person based on 2 people per cabin. The 3rd or 4th person will have to pay 228.20 per person. These prices are subject to change until deposit is paid. There is also a Gratuity of 43.50 per person. You can pay before cruise with your payments or pay when you arrive. First deposit is 25.00 due April 1st. 2nd deposit is 100.00 that will be due May 1st.  Final payment due June 29th. To make payments call 800-764-7419 ext 70864 Monday through Friday until 8pm. The booking number is N1T4M4. The group name is Tiger 25. Please let me know if you have any questions. I would pay the 100.00 deposits as soon as possible. I will be searching for hotels near the Port and will keep you updated. If any questions please let me know. 

1998 Coronation